Selasa, 22 April 2008

Senin, 21 April 2008

Suku anak dalam

Suku Anak Dalam Keleleran

Hidup di negeri yang subur makmur. Tapi keleleran. Pedulikah anda. Pemerintah bina kami. Kalau kami di biarkan begini bagaimana masa depan kami. Mampukah saya bersaing hidup?. Saat ini banyak suku anak dalam yang makin tersingkir. Bagaikan Gelandangan di hutan raya. Turun ke desa jadi peminta-minta. Pedulikah anda?

Jumat, 18 April 2008

A better way to e-mail your photos, and more.

April 2008 Newsletter

E-mail us your photos. We'll do the rest.

Sure, you already use Multiply, but have you found that you just can't kick the habit of e-mailing photos you take to others?

In case you've forgotten, or just never noticed, getting your photos onto Multiply is as easy as e-mailing them... to us.

That's right, among other options for getting your photos onto Multiply, you can enable the Post via E-mail feature and post them directly by attaching them to an e-mail. Not only is it easier than sending e-mail to everyone you know, but you get all the usual benefits of posting your photos to Multiply: your photos are displayed in an attractive album format that's permanently available for people to come back to time and time again. It's also easy for everyone to leave replies... and get notified when other people join the conversation.

In fact, we highlighted this feature in more depth on our staff blog this past month! Check it out.

The Fortune Cookie Chronicles, on Multiply

We're excited to announce that renowned author and New York Times reporter Jennifer 8. Lee (yes, her middle name is 8) has created a Multiply group to share the news related to her new book, The Fortune Cookie Chronicles: A Book Adventure through the Mysteries of Chinese Food, including links, videos, blog entries, and even a calendar of events.

The book details the history of Chinese food in the United States, and sheds light on things you may not realize you never knew, like just who that General Tso guy is, and what people from China think of fortune cookies, which are not as Chinese as you may think.

Actually, you'll find some insight into that last one in the videos section of the book's official Multiply group.

(The book also previously made the New York Times bestseller list. Congratulations, Jennifer!)

Premium service coming soon

By the way, Multiply's staff blog is a great place to stay abreast of the latest news and notes related to Multiply. This month, we informed you that Multiply's new premium service is on the way, and even asked for your help naming it. (Suggestions are, by the way, still welcome; just leave us a reply with your ideas!)

While we're on the topic of the premium service, we're not ready to share all of the details just yet, but we'll keep posting them to the staff blog. So don't wait until next month for updates... keep an eye on that blog.

This Month:

  • E-mail us your photos
  • The Fortune Cookie Chronicles, on Multiply
  • Premium service coming soon





If you would rather not receive e-mail newsletters like this, we understand. Just log in to Multiply and update your E-Mail Alerts page:

You can read our privacy policy at:

Multiply Inc, 6001 Park of Commerce Blvd, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487, USA


Aplikasi web tampak canggih tapi sulit di jalankan. Mending pakai operamini beta t

Kamis, 17 April 2008

Diki dan Intan

Setting gprs kartu m3

M3 selain sms murah juga gprs murah walaupun puass! (PuokonyA Susah Sekali) Telepon. Untuk seting gprs di hp SE sbb; Seting internet m3> Apn : indosatgprs . Nama pengguna: indosatgprs . Password: indosatgprs . Nama account: wap Indosat . Situs: atau sms ketik- GPRS MEREKHP TIPEHP contoh GPRS SE K618i kirim ke 3939. Met coba dan kunjungi inyong di alamat tadi oke! ;-) :-). Untuk hp nokia Apn di isikan pada pembawa paket data yang tadinya tertulis internet di ganti indosatgprs. Kalau pakai proxy alamatnya: port: 8080

Alfi latihan motor

Senin, 14 April 2008

Sabtu, 12 April 2008

Pakai gmail

Pakai gmail dpt terima dapat push mail juga setinganya pakai imap. Server pakai ssl out going loginnya lengkap pakai@gmailcom tapi ngirimnya harus ada sertifikat divshare

Spa banjir

Spa banjir lagi setelah 2 mlam hujan lebat

Jumat, 11 April 2008

Mardi mariman mantu

Semiyanto dadi nganten. wayangan

Minggu, 06 April 2008

Mau posting atau ngewap enak pakai operamini 4.1 lebih asik lho!.
Donlot di pilih yang sesuai phone anda.
sudah ada sertifikatnya lho. saya pakai di k510i se yang multi kenceng
lari nya. tapi untuk nokia 6030 pakai yang tanpa sertifikat untuk
nulis alamat di toolbar responya lambat. Tapì kerjanya kenceng juga.
Tak mau kehilangan bokmak di operamini 4 singkronkan dulu bokmak akan
di simpan di myopera mu. bersambung. selamat mencoba. operamini 3.1
dan 4 ku kuhapus.